10% (v/v) 30-150 μm His-tag Protein Purification IDA-Nickel Magnetic Beads
1, Description:
Compared with the traditional tomographic method which use metal chelate agarose prepacked column, BeaverBeads™ His-tag Protein Purification beads do not need to carry out high-speed centrifugation and filter filtration on the crude protein samples for a long time, or control the flow rate, and do not need the expensive chromatography equipment. The specific binding of the sample to the magnetic beads, following washing and target protein elution become very simple, fast and easy to operate. For skilled operators, highly purified protein can be obtained within 1 hour, and parallel processing of high throughput and large amount samples can be easily achieved to save researchers time and cost.
2, Product Information:
Product Name |
IDA-Nickel Magbeads
Bead Size
30~150 μm
Chelating metal ion
Metal ion density
30~50 µmol/mL beads
Protein binding ability
30~40 mg/mL (100% beads)
Operating temperature
Storage Temperature
Suspension concentration
10%(v/v)magnetic beads suspension
Storage buffer
Pure Water (recommend to swtich to 20%V/V ethanol)
Shelf life
12 months
3, Feature:
1. The target protein can be purified from the crude samples. Without high-speed centrifugation, filtration and the expensive chromatography equipment.
2. Using one-step can obtain high purity target protein.
3. The concentration and volume of protein can be easily controlled.
4. With high repeatability, high throughput and large-scale purification of proteins can be easiliy achieved.
5. Simple regeneration process.
6. High yield of target protein.